
hg8868皇冠下载 receives energy from four natural gas-fired power plants. In gas turbines, natural gas is burned and the hot gas produced is directed at turbine blades. This process is like a turbo-prop aircraft engine, 但是在发电应用中, 涡轮机使发电机转动, 而不是螺旋桨. Gas can also be used to create steam which creates pressure to spin a turbine.

We also have a 5-megawatt (MW) diesel electric generating plant near Salmon, 爱达荷州, which is used primarily for backup in the event of a transmission outage.

  • 兰利峡谷 2012年上线. It’s a clean, quiet, highly-efficient, combined-cycle combustion turbine. In a combined-cycle natural gas plant, heat from the process is also used to make steam, which spins a separate turbine to generate additional electricity. 的 plant’s generating capacity ranges from 300 MW in the summer to 330 MW in the winter. 兰利峡谷 helps integrate intermittent resources, such as wind and solar from projects tied to our system. 的 plant is located on 137 acres in rural Payette County.
  • 班尼特山发电厂 in Mountain 首页 was completed in 2005 and has a generating capacity of 172.8 MW.
  • 丹斯金发电厂 consists of three natural gas-fired simple cycle combustion turbines and has a generating capacity of 270.9 MW.
  • 吉姆·布里杰工厂 在怀俄明州有四个发电机组. Two of those were converted in early 2024 to use natural gas instead of coal. hg8868皇冠下载 is one-third owner of the Bridger plant. 的 company’s share of the plant’s natural gas-fired capacity is 357 MW.

我们的 2023综合资源计划(IRP) includes plans for additional coal-to-gas conversions in the coming years.